M360 Conference

Keynote 1: M360 LATAM & CLTD Opening


Wed, 5 Jun
10:00 - 11:30 CST

Open to All


Ballroom A-B

Session Moderators

Session Speakers

Session Description

‘Collaboration & Innovation for Digital Transformation.’

In today's dynamic digital realm, connectivity has evolved into the vital force accelerating our societies and economies.

Collaboration across sectors will play a crucial role in Latin America’s digital transformation journey, as it strives to harness the power of emerging technologies.

Today, with the convergence of AI, IoT, and 5G, there's a significant opportunity to forge an inclusive, sustainable digital landscape benefiting every industry and individual. Join thought leaders and policymakers as they delve into the importance of harnessing these cutting-edge digital technologies to craft a regional strategy that drives socioeconomic progress, enhances governance, and sparks innovation.

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